Oct 9, 2008

Craft Fair Pics

This was my first time venturing into the world of selling my wares! It went great and was a good experience but if my Husband and Children hadn't been there I would have curled up in a corner and refused to come out until it was over! :0)

Talking with people is just the hardest thing for me, and what was nice is the people who were interested in quilts were generally the nicest to talk with! And the kids loved that bright wonky pinwheel that is on the corner there, would have loved to have had a few made up and just give one to each who were begging their Moms!

This gal was not the least bit afraid to mingle with the people!

It was a two day event and we tried to keep things rearranged for eye appeal and it was a matter of learning as we went!

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

I hope you were very successful. Congratulations on doing this. Kathy from the blig blog