Jun 22, 2008

Proud Moment!

First there is a Big Fat Congratulations in order! This Little Bugger, also soon to be known as Deputy Davis, had his final exams this last Friday and passed! We didn't expect anything otherwise as he has been preparing for this day since he turned 17! Graduation is this coming Friday and he will have a good 20 people there to cheer and celebrate with him! Afterwards we are going to host a big bar-b-q bash, thankfully my Dad and Mom are coming in Tuesday night to not only visit but help put it all together! Good Times! Then he will have the weekend off and report for duty at 6am Monday morning,

Then here is just a quick shot of the two baby quilts I finally got quilted, the one on the left is a pattern from Jan Patek, I like her stuff!

The Pink one is for Rosie, it is going to have the scalloped edges, the design idea is from Alex Anderson's Baby Quilt Book, she has some cute stuff in that one and Christmas Goose Quilt Shop in Las Vegas had quite a few samples up on one visit this last year.

I probably should have marked it first before quilting but I figured it wouldn't really matter, we shall see!

Was hoping to put up a shot of the quilt I did for my Mom but must have accidentally deleted them from my camera thinking I had already downloaded them. That is OK though as I put the first phase of the binding on it while in Vegas so will have her bring it back up so as to retake the pictures. She found a really pretty blue to go against the gold sashing and it is really going to be very striking when done, plus it will be washed by then and that always makes the quilt and quilting stand out for better shots.

1 comment:

Nicole & Phil said...

Lovely quilts again! How did your friend like the large tumbler quilt you gave her...I hope it brings her comfort!