Dec 7, 2008

The Bomb went off here!

I had started folding things back up when I decided to share the explosion that had taken place, really since August there has been NO organization what so ever, just one project to the next.

The farmers table is my main cutting station and at the time which was last week I cleared enough space to trim the blue boxes, but then started the folding so now there is no room to trim Lillian's.

This is the secondary cutting/ironing table. Not an inch to spare and I tell you the kids are loving it because daily there is at least one reward session going on because I can't find anything!!

It has gone beyond horrid...............

And did anyone catch on that there isn't a single quilt on the walls? We had the second craft fair in November and sold 8 quilts, it was a blue moment but in the end it came at a time when the funds were needed the most so I will enjoy getting them replaced.
I was also asked if I would be interested in putting quilts up at the Lodge here in the and also at a little coffee house downtown! Very honoring indeed!

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