Nov 20, 2010

A Challenge Met~

In a previous post I mentioned how we no sooner got back from Houston we had Shop Hop the following week, I foolishly agreed to making a sample for this quilt to help this line of fabric move a little . Le Poulet is the name and the manufacture escapes me at the moment.......
Thought it would be super simple until I checked out the directions! Those little baskets called for 1 7/8 squares to be cut on the diagonal making the block super teeny!
And it called for 16 of the little buggers!!! It literally took a full day to just cut everything out for these and when I started piecing them I started crying, not literally, but very very close!

The seams did not want to play nice at all, then I broke out Mary Ellen, she would not have any of the rebellion and they pressed out like a dream and the piecing went together just beautifully! And I learned a new way to make flying geese! Using one big square and two small in opposite corners with a diagonal line drawn through to stitch on either side, worked wonderfully and cant wait to try it out on another project!

I finished it up the night before the Hop began and I was pleased as punch when yards of the fabric began flying out of there! And it is a Windham Fabric line! Just remembered~

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