This is the back of the pineapple quilt! I love it! Used a gold thread so it would pop a little!
There are 5 quilts here that I got bindings on, 3 are on the agenda to complete this fine night! That night of course being last Tuesday! The second from the top is Blake's, I plan on having it done for Christmas for him! And on the bottom is my Big House, I'll have it done for me in time for Christmas!
This is an oddball sized quilt, it is for an rv bed, 73x48 is the requested measurement. Sigh, it shrunk way more than it was suppose to, I over built it but still came out 69x51, gentleman thought it would still be fine because he measured and over figured his figure! HA! So I gave it to him to take home and see how it fit then would decided what was to be done, it would either work or I would be making another one this weekend!

It didn't fit, he was actually way off himself so between the two of us we failed big time!! Thankfully I was in Vegas and would fit in visiting 2 of the other 3 shops that I thought I would be able to find a couple more flannels to what I had to recreate it, 83x51 this time~Phew, so that is what is being worked on now, along with a rag quilt due after Christmas.

My fear now is there being enough of the backing, I will use what was left from the last quilt, literally, it is 8 inches and I think it will make it for this one along with what I have left, you can never buy enough fabric backing, I always buy 6 yards and hope it will finally pay off! The photo above is it being refigured. Wow, wow and wow!
Good news is, I managed to get all my Shopping done and wrapped while in Vegas so everything came home and straight under the tree! I foiled the little helpers who were ever so helpful in unloading the truck! Muahahaha, or evil laugh since I can't spell it at the moment!!
And, my pc laptop is giving me fits so I am having to respond to any emails from either my phone or forwarding the message to my mac to answer, and of course when you forward, and then respond, you send the message to yourself, sigh, thankfully I caught that after 3 messages, I am on a roll..............
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