Mar 18, 2008


Before I could even think about trying to accomplish anything today I had to deal with this, it sure doesn't take long to pile up! And it never seems to go back nicely from where it got pulled originally.

Last week, I finished up the borders on one quilt and had a little help getting a bunch of denim and flannels cut up into squares for some rag quilts. They are just perfect for snuggling in and can take the multi washings that our quilts seem to go through. There is 28 3/4 yards cut up in these piles! I won't count them against the stash-busting tally until I get them put together but those numbers will be pretty!

Then here is my project for today, I didn't go full boar with the Quiltathon but I did get a lot accomplished! These blocks are from a BOM from Fiddlestick's Quilts in Boulder City NV, and they had just started them when we moved so I would drive in once a month to meet a friend and swap out, it got to where I just had my Husband stop and pick up the new ones towards the end and they just got tucked away, so I pulled them out and got busy, the bottom star is one of the last ones that needed to be made up to make the 12 different blocks.

Then I pulled a couple fabrics out to decided what would off set them the best, after taking a vote from anyone in the family who would give me a moment of their time it was decided to go with the red.

Now I just need to figure out how I want to set them, they are 9in blocks so am thinking it will be a nice table topper or wall hanging or baby blanket whenever a little one comes around!


Busy Little Quilter said...

You were busy, busy! The blocks are so pretty!

StitchinByTheLake said...

Hi Stephanie,
I love rag quilts, too. That is, I love making them but I sure don't love the "ragging" part! I agree with you, the red really sets off your star blocks.