Apr 10, 2008

Still in March!

I am trying to get into April but I am still wandering around in March! It's been a two weeks since tinkering with this top, I still need to add a final border to seal it off. The patterns just called for the center rail fences but it was a little to square for me and not long enough to enjoy as a snuggle quilt.

So I pulled out the Dresden Ruler and seen the wonky tumblers on the package and thought it would be a perfect addition to the top and bottom. I just love the colors, my stashbusting tallies need to get updated as I purchased a set of fat quarters of the Kansas Troubles Autumn to do this in, plus added a yard of what I had in the stash to build on it.

These little Raggedy Dolls are some I purchased to represent Levia and Courtney a couple years ago at a little tea shop in Boulder City, they do an outside quilt show which happens to be coming up in May and one of the local gals Vida makes them. And see that little blue pincushion in the background? That was the one that the pups used as a chew toy and couldn't be found when I was gathering them all up, found it tucked behind the machine when I was dusting!

And the quilt the dolls are on is Blake's Baby Nursing quilt, I was still fairly new to quilting when I made it so there is a combination of hand and machine quilting to it, I did use it as well with William but it will go to Blake when the 'passing of quilts' time comes!

I have been getting backings and bindings together and just finished up the solids for the wonky rails, it is currently loaded on the machine but I enjoy the process of doing the bindings and especially when I can incorporate strips that were used in the quilts! The front one is what was left of all the darks for the above quilt and the same for the solids, not sure how they will fall once on the quilt but it will be a nice surprise!


Anonymous said...

Wow! Your sense of design is wonderful. The quilt looks great with what you added. You should be very proud. Kathy at Blig Blog http://akinaustralia.wordpress.com/

JUST A MOM said...

I like the quilt although it does look southwesteren... I am not so into that as I use to be when we first moved out here so I am suprises I like it. Have a great weekend

Susan said...

I really like the way you lengthened it. The borders remind me of a backgammon board. =)

JUST A MOM said...