Feb 23, 2008

Quilting and Leaving

The Day has finally come that my First Born is leaving home! I am going to be strong! He leaves tomorrow morning and will be attending the Police Academy in Lake Havasu for the next four months.

He is the one on the far right in the newspaper clipping. He is excited, anxious and every other emotion at the moment! We are so proud of him and know he will do just fine! But I will miss the rattling of his tail gate as he gets home!

I have been having fun this week working on various projects! This quilt is already off the frame and has the binding attached, just need to hand stitch it down. I am having fun using the variegated threads! I just received an e-mail that the one that was on back order has finally shipped so am excited to get that one done as well!

I loaded up the bow-ties and have spent a little more time on the thought process of how I want to quilt it, along with doing some major cutting of the stash, it has been a very productive week! Oh and I also quilted an absolutely beautiful Basket Weave quilt for a friend, it was so inspiring that I have pulled fabrics to make one of my own, and she was gracious enough to share her extras! Just a hint, it uses the civil war prints with black accent!

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