One of my favorite collections is old treadle and hand crank sewing machines, I honestly have no idea what the count is to date but each one is in complete operating order. I would say half of the quilts I have made have been pieced using either one.
Actually when I think about it all the machines really aren't all mine, as each one has come along a child has taken to it and claimed it for themselves and plan on taking one or two with then once they set up a home of their own one day.
I also have 3 Bernina's, each one is set up for a particular function, one to piece, one has the embroidery module and the other is the industrial that is permanently set up with the walking foot for bindings. Machines are part of the decor but when my Husband bought me the longarm some had to move to the garage and I drove these guys crazy making sure everything was just right in the area they are stored, there are still a few that I can't part with though, and I go around and reach over them, but if I stub my toe one more time that may change!
But the cake shows the love that someone has for these machines that just can't be killed! I imagine it is still in someone's freezer and taken out and admired on special occasions, there was just a photo link to the shot but it would be neat to know the story behind this masterpiece!
Jan 31, 2008
One Cool Cake!
Jan 27, 2008
Just Tooling Around
Good Eve, I am glad that this week has finally passed and I am looking forward to a nice mellow one, starting tomorrow!!
Bren tagged me, once a few weeks ago and I admit to having stalled on it because it was a little hard to figure something out!
The rules are: Link to the person that tagged you; Post the rules on your blog; Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself; Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
Here we go!
- I love to bake! The sad part is nothing comes out right, so it has become the kids jobs, they can make anything and it is picture and taste perfect, really pathetic!
- And I can't cut a cake to save my life, I have been banned from doing so at any church function that requires any kind of dessert that needs cutting.
- That makes my ruler and tape measure my best friend.
- I only enjoy coffee when someone else makes it, especially Starbucks! That is another chore that is delegated at functions, but I will admit that I am trying and once again was told the measurements and I chant them "one tsp to 2 cups water". But I know I will freeze when it comes time to actually make it! So the Little Man is my backup. And he makes a mean latte!
- I will spend fifty bucks at Safeway to save 10 cents a gallon for diesel to fill my truck but not until it is due because I have an evil son who will use it if I don't.
- I am behind on my log cabin block exchange and I hate the guilty feeling that being behind on something causes.
Phew, that was exhausting! So that is my plan for Monday, get them caught up and out to the mail and in order to go out they have to be done by 1pm. I can do it!
Jan 24, 2008
Here we are in the midst of another storm, couldn't have come at a better time. But it would have been a lot better had we gotten the wood re-stocked yesterday instead of during this! So I had to have a little fun with them while they were out there.
The trip to Vegas was exhausting, the kids squeezed in every activity they could with their friends and even amongst the glitches they had a great time.
The final activity was ice-skating and they were having a ball, I of course spent the time as a spectator, cringing every time someone fell and that was quite often. Then as it was coming to the end and I had that feeling of relief that all would walk out as they went in, then I seen my Little Man go down and watched his head bounce off the ice. From where I was it didn't look like it was a hard one but from that perspective it wasn't a good assumption.
As he was brought across the ice I could see the cantaloupe developing on the back of his head, I knew it was going to be a visit to the Quick Care. What we didn't know at the time was that he had lost consciousness long enough that gave the Dr. concern, it wasn't until after we were all together that we were able to piece it all together, and that was because when they did the triage he had memory loss, he is fine now and we can laugh, but when the Dr. asked him what my name was he busted out in tears, he didn't know it, and cried just give me a minute, I know it! He failed to answer others but that is the one that sticks out.
They x-rayed him and thankfully there was no fracture and they sent him home with instructions to stay down and watch him carefully. My concern was driving home so close after the accident so we spent the evening with our friends and waited until Don got off of work and drove home together. Made it for a long night as it was 4am before we got home but it gave time for him to rest and get ready for the jaunt.
What is truly amazing is that when it happened prayers were going up fast, not only from the rink, but calls were made to our old Church family and our current one here in Kingman, from the time he fell to the time we got to the hospital and into the Dr's office maybe 20 minutes had passed, then they said it would be a few hours before they could check him again, nope 10 minutes later he was in getting x-rayed and released! The swelling had gone down to where you had to know where to look to see it! God is good!
We are all watching him like a hawk! And every so often he recites my name, and not only first and last but with the middle! Those little things!
Jan 20, 2008
Creative Corner
We are fixing to head out in the morning so thought I would get a little something together to post before we go. Can you just feel the creativity that comes from this little nook? LOL! Not really, it started out as the business corner and Don wanted a place to sit while I would take care of stuff on the computer, so we purchased an oversize chair so he could be all comfy. The only problem was I would get done and want to sit in it myself and then there was a time or two we would all but race each other to get to it because it was so comfortable! So the decision was made to get another one, only the store in Kingman had sold out, uh-oh, now I had to have one for myself, that ugly feeling of being denied was gnawing at me so I made a call to a store in Vegas and sure enough they had one available, so I talked my son into taking a ride in for me to get it, of course I paid for his fuel and I think he got a Starbucks out of me as well but it was well worth it! So now we can both sit and be comfortable, the chairs are aimed towards a TV so he or one of the kids can sit and be comfortable because a little to the right is where I have two of my favorite machines set up to piece, the left corner there is the end of the cutting table.
I am slowly getting pictures to share more of where I love to spend my time, my family has been great in giving me this room to call my own, of course it really isn't, it wouldn't be all that fun if there wasn't room for them to be in there with me! But believe me there are times when I ban them from entering but it never lasts long..............
Jan 19, 2008
Rugs and Stashbusting
I like rugs, I tried the crocheting ones and they didn't work for me but then any type of that or knitting isn't my thing! So when at a quilt show a few years ago I watched a gal demoing the toothbrush rug and thought how cool is that!
But once I got home I couldn't get it going and it was put up. Then one of my all time favorite Quilt Shops, Fiddlesticks Quilts had a class, and I drove the ninety miles to take it one night! Being a visual learner it made all the difference in the world, I had thought I could use up some strips that I already had cut but not so, they said it made all the difference in the world by ripping the strips, I wish I kept track of the yardage because I couldn't stop at doing the little one that was initially suppose to be done per the class.
Then I got into making the runners, there is a smaller one over by the wood burner but I failed to get a shot of it as well while getting these. They are going to also be my inspiration for busting some stash, even though one gal mentioned that she hated to think of using good fabric for these bothered her, I don't see it that way, and although most rugs are made up using old clothes there life is still limited and I hate to think that all the time it took to make wouldn't hold up to the abuse that my family puts them through! I have lost count at how many times they have been washed and they are reversible so one day I will have a nice bright side when the kids are gone!
This first month of stashbusting has been good, I haven't purchased a thing and we are going to be in Vegas Monday and Tuesday, the kids are going to visit friends and I will get to spend some extra time with Don, usually I would have my coupons all printed out to a few shops, 3 to be exact not including Joann's, where I use to like to make book purchases. Not so this week! We are going to visit Barnes and Noble and probably Border's but there won't be anything coming home with me.
I will be sharing the photos of those first 2 ufos here soon as well, I have dug into the stash to add to the bow ties and hopefully it will come out the way I have envisioned it! Then I will share the next ones in line along with what I am using for my leaders and enders.
Parm Chicken 1
This is one of our favorite recipes, I can't remember where I picked it up but I have been making it for a good 15 years now. Having been a Church Hostess for many a years it has come in handy, because it is not only cheap but delicious! I used the three cheese this time but our all time favorite is fresh parmesan! The ingredients are super simple: (3 cheese or)parmesan cheese, fresh bread, garlic powder, parsley, salt and pepper and I forgot to add a stick of butter that is to be melted.
I have used skinned chicken thighs and breasts.
Parm Chicken part 2
Next you will smother it with the bread crumb mixture.
And place it into your pan! We will also sprinkle some extra cheese on it as well.
Cook per the pic, checking to see if it is cooked or until the juices run clear.
We usually have rice and corn to complete the meal.
And since it has been so cold out we are adding a hot drink to the meal, Don made it for me when we were first married and I really thought he was off his rocker when he made it! Hot Dr. Pepper and lemon. Enjoy!
Here are a couple more quilts for the St Judes Children, like I said, Baptist Fan and the Clam Shell is just classic on any quilt! The Crazy Patches are fun to put together, these were done during one of the Bee's that the Sin City Strippers held. The work that gets done on one of those day is absolutely amazing! They meet at nine to set up and by ten there are a minimum of 5 stations set up, piecing tops, ironing, binding, cutting, applying binding, backings and then there are the tables set up with orphan blocks that have been donated and then a table with different size yardage to use in putting those together while the fabric for backings is in a different location.
And that is when you see some of the talent of these ladies who take those orphan blocks and put together a beautiful creation! Then there is the potluck lunch, and chocolate! I walk away being encouraged, inspired and just grateful for the hobby that I love so much!
Good Evening! I just wanted to take a moment to share some pics of a project that our family is involved in. Our Church is currently in the process of building a new Sanctuary and it is being done by the sweat of the members! These photos are actually about 2 weeks old and I have some current ones from today that I will post another time, it will show how work can be fun at the same time!
The top photo is featuring Murphy (L) Chad, William and Blake. They are currently in the process of taking dirt
from a pile they weren't suppose to. The photo of them dumping it back isn't here!This youngster is William, he is nine, had to back up there and remove the eight, time is flying! It was his turn in the ditch here but when it wasn't he was dumping the wheel barrow as the others were filling it, here you will use your imagination to one of the work scenes, here is the perfect one, Chad shoveling the dirt in and William hauling it off to be dumped, OK, now, Chad throwing the dirt in the air and William having to catch it! The laughing that was going on had the rest of the crew stopping what they were doing to see what was up! I really wish I could have caught it but I don't know how to use the video on the camera yet.
Here is Little Man getting the re bar sized up to make the thing that is the next photo, (now there should be a photo there but I accidentaly hit the backspace where I wasn't suppose to and it disappeared!)they have something to do with the foundation and this day in particular we made around 30 of them in two different sizes. I was in charge of cutting the wire that was used to put them together. I got a blister from using them cutters that smarted for a week!
Last week was getting the piping and water lines in and the kids were excited when they heard that it all passed inspection with flying colors! They were all feeling a little inadequate as they had to be at weird angles and such but Pastor walked them through each step and showed them that he had all the confidence in the world in them! So there was a hearty whoop at the sign off!
Jan 17, 2008
I was just checking in to see what Ruthie has been up to and she very smartly posted what the badge award was, now why didn't I think to do that? Sigh!
So here is the info in case you are wondering......The rules are to: Give the award to up to 10 people whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel so happy about blogland! Let them know by posting a comment on their blog so they can pass it on. Beware! You may get the award several times!
There are so many blogs that I really enjoy and it is so easy to get lost in them because if they are new then you spend lots of time going back into the archives to get up to speed and get to know them better. And it is amazing how it kind of makes you feel like a long distance friend and they don't have a clue who you are!
I think the blog links over on the side are my absolute favorite though at the moment, but I thought it would be a little overkill to send the badge to everyone!
Jan 16, 2008
Staying Warm~
Were having a cold spell, it started last night with the winds and sudden temp dropping. So the house was a little on the cool side, we have gotten quite spoiled with keeping it between 75 and 80 so when we got up it was registering 59! So the place to hang out is by the wood stove until we can get it back up to our comfort zone.
I would also like to send the make my day award to a couple of bloggers that I enjoy. Not only are they inspiring but just flat out an enjoyable read!Now lets see if I can get them down without a problem!
Ruthie from Threads of Mine, her applique is to die for! Go back a little into her archives and see some awesome quilts!
Veronica from Hairdresser by day, Quilter by Night is one I have also been enjoying! I really like how she puts colors together!
Leah from Stitched with Love she is a fabric dyer and I just like her style.
Anita from Quilt Maker and Longarm Machine quilter, her title says it all but she also has another site with tips and more,
Anita's hints, tips, and tutorial site that has some great information!
Jan 15, 2008
Wow! What a Special Day!
Today I received two specialties, one being from Niki over at Niki's Ventures, she had a lurker contest going and I was drawn and received a way cool runner that she made! It just so happens that while at Walgreen's I found these Hershey Kisses in a Raspberry and White Chocolate flavor and also a package of them in Double Fudge! Don't they go perfect together? I couldn't have planned that if I tried!
Then Bren from Pieces from Me gifted me with this little dude! My first so it is way special, it's those little things. There was also a meme attached to it but I am going to have to read a little more on those to see how exactly I answer that!
Our trip into Vegas was a success, we got the phone business taken care of and bless the folks at Verizon who handled my transaction, she was very patient with all I had to do! There was 7 all together and it got harry there for a bit, and I am not bashful in the least, just because there is a price on something doesn't mean I assume there is no room for negotiation! I got a new blue tooth and phone holder along with an additional fifty bucks off on the deal! It did help that we have been customers since 1989, and went through all the changes they have made through the years without a bleep. It is also a plus that theirs' is the only service that we receive on the Mountain so we maintained our Vegas #'s to this day with no plan to change! They even worked it out for us when we did move so we could keep them. Great Customer Service if I do say so myself in a time when that is getting fewer and farther between! The start to a great week!
Jan 13, 2008
Well, I can honestly give one good reason for not completing something. Life.....What a crazy week it has been, we had company until late Friday and although it was a fun time it was also very exhausting, Scott's Courting Partner Sara and her 2 brothers and 2 sisters came to visit.
The Girls rented a cabin further up the mountain and the boys stayed here, I should have taken a shot of the 7 boys camped out in the living room, there was not a spot open! Everyone had a good time though, we took a nice quad ride that included a snow fight, paint balling, target shooting and movie watching until 2am.
So that left Saturday and today recouping as we have to head in to Vegas to get our cell phones upgraded. Yay, not really but we need them. I can't wait to get back home and finish these up as they are so close now!
And in way of a Stashbusting report, I used the Joann's flyer's as fire starter and a few other coupons that came my way so it will be all business! And it has been real easy to just hit the delete button when things come in the inbox, it's funny how I just have zero desire to check some of the new things out!
Jan 9, 2008
Ufo's 1 & 2
Good Morning! Today I am starting to go through the Ufo's to make note of exacty what is in this room, I do have things relagated to a spot of their own, as in this bin has kits, but then so does that basket and this bin has projects that I have kitted up myself, then the one that already has all the pieces cut and ready to piece and then the one that everything is just waiting for the final put together, here is from that bin. Now this is what gets me, here we have the soon to be top, all the blocks are pieced and the alternate blocks are cut. What has been the hold up? It has been sitting since for at least two years waiting to be finished up!
This is how it will look, I just fell in love with it all over again, but again I digress, what is wrong with me?
Then as I was getting the above out I found these! They too are just ready to be put together but here they sit. And I had totally forgotten about them! Now these were too fun to put together and if a certain friend sees these she might remember that I got the kit from Pieceful Pleasures Quilt Shop from Las Vegas, now she might also remember that the shop closed a good five years ago and the date of purchase of these squares was a long time before then!! They were 3 in squares and what makes it fun is there is not two alike bow ties and they are the 3-d kind. Now I do remember putting them into the four patches and vaguely putting them with the diamonds as it would only take a day to put them into completed tops.
So before I go any further I am going to finish them........then we can get back to business on what is in the other containers!
Jan 7, 2008
We woke up to a beautiful scene today! They forecasted snow yesterday but it didn't look like anything was going to come of it last night. So when I woke to the snow plow going down the mountain road about 4:30am I was pleasantly surprised with
the scene before me!
Then they decided they needed some snacks, they had at that point already closed the road down so any traveling was going to be on the quads. So they took a snow ride down to the nearest convenience store that is about 8 miles from us and came back laden with chips! I should have taken a shot of the rosey cheeks but they were bee-lining to get warmed up!
Jan 5, 2008
Something Quilty
Well, I think the signature got the best of me and it is time to move on!
Here is a gift that I received when I was really sick with a flu/cold/sinus thing that was going around and believe it or not, it helped me to feel better. Is there anything that Gingher makes that doesn't make things go so much easier? I also received a pair of spring loaded scissors a little while back that makes cutting the batting on a roll a breeze! They have quickly become the staples in my studio.
I also discovered the quickest way to clearing a section of the cutting table! Let a child have hot chocolate and allow them to set their cup on it! Then invite a sibling and you can count the seconds on one hand before Shazam! Yup, all over, there was no time for a before during and after shot so you can use your imagination on that one!
Oh, and thankfully hot chocolate doesn't stain fabric or blocks that happen to be in the vicinity, for a split second I wondered what it's effects would be but I haven't heard of chocolate dying like coffee or tea! But for a second there I thought there may have been a new discovery for the quilting world! Because in that second I also noticed it gave a really pretty antiqued look to the block! ;0)
Maybe Not.....
Ok, so maybe not, it still has that blurred effect to it and I don't know what to do about that. It looks great before it goes to the page though.
I think I figured it out!
Ok, sorry about deleting that past post, the test failed but I am hoping that I have finally figured out how to add the signature, I am really glad as it was becoming a little exasperating. I may not even keep it, I just had to know how to do it! ;0)
Beautiful Morning
This is a scene from our side porch this morning. The wood burner is keeping the house nice and toasty and the hot chocolate and coffee is the drink of choice! Snow is forecasted but the rain is just as nice, the area was in serious drought and the fires were awful and very scarey when we first moved here so we get real excited when they say there is a shot at rain! We had to learn real quick how to operate with a well, quite the challenge with 9 people using the restroom, washing dishes, and then there was the laundry!! So when the rains come we rejoice and when the snow comes we do even more!
Yes, there was a post about the MySignatures, I tried adding one and it didn't look right so I accidentaly deleted the whole post instead of editing it. Is there a way it get's added so it is automatic or does it get done manually with each post and do you think that the black background makes it not come out right? It is kind of blurry, maybe I will add it just so you can see what I mean on this one. I appreciate any help or suggestions.
Jan 4, 2008
Happy Day
Jan 2, 2008
My Little Man Child
This is Donnie Jr, or Don as he is liking to be called as he has gotten older. He will be turning 49 on the 8th, don't let that soon to be 13 year old body fool you! From day one he has not been content to be a normal child. And that is OK, there is so much about him that I don't know where to begin to describe him!
He is funny, and very quick on his feet, he has worked by his Dad's side since he could walk, we have a side business that we have kept even after moving in Vegas doing lawn maintenance. Each boy child has started working with Dad at an early age, and the two have been a team since Chad started working at the Lodge a year and a half ago. The younger two started up at the end of summer but all their eyes can see is the Slurpee and candy bar at the end of the day!
Donnie sees the step toward getting some more gadget's for his Bow or ammo for his rifle or something from the antique store to add to his collection of old cooking utensils, which he uses everyone one of as he whips up an omelet full of veggies from his garden that he keeps during the summer or frying up some fish that he caught and we brought home and froze or whatever else he feels like making. My current favorite is his grilled cheese sandwich with grilled bell peppers! Yummy!
And tonight as I was tinkering with some books he grabbed the camera and said 'Hey Mom, look at me' and took that shot that is over on the profile. But one of the things about him that I love the most is his Faith, he asked Jesus to save his soul when he was 6 years old and I tell you what, there are times he astounds me, when I am feeling doubtful and or fretting over something he is quick with a verse or just a flat out 'get a grip Mom, you know God is in control'.
Now don't get me wrong, each Child is phenomenal in his or her own way, I am just getting more and more comfortable with expressing my thoughts and will expound on each one more in the coming days, I am just starting with Little Man. ;0)
Yes, She Meant It!
What can I say? She dug through and found another orange to go with the plaid, she sees a beautiful creation in the making!
She and Chad work at the same place, The Hualapai Mtn Resort here in the fabulous Hualapai's! Anyway, the owner's are going on a vacation to Jamaica and have closed up the place for two weeks, so the employee's are also on a paid vacation!
This is going to be her project to complete in that time. Her sister isn't too happy with the color combo but isn't going to give any guff as Levia bought her a bunch of 'girly' stuff for her side of the room. Courtney is all pink, lace and fluff, Levia is cammo, greens and a splash of blue, now what is even wilder is they picked a deep maroon and taupe color for their walls, it is amazing how it just looks right for them!
It also reminds me how I like to throw a little of this and that in my quilts, remember how I would let the kids pick out a handful of fat quarters? The Gal who owned the Shop would cringe at the choices because she knew I would use them together. Once the battery is charged, yes, the new one came in today!! Some of those creations will be shared, now remember that our quilts are to be used so the colors aren't as brilliant as they once were but they are holding up strong!
Jan 1, 2008
New Year off with a Bang
Here are more Jude quilts, this one is done with the Swirls template, I really like how quilts come out with this and Mary has some pictures up that she has used the same template on her Coin Quilts and others that are just breathless beautiful! I am wanting to start playing with variegated and other threads to see how much more texture could come from using these templates.
Still haven't found my charger but I am happy to say a replacement is on it's way! I am also excited about Judy L's new blog of recipes, I have been making some of her meals and my family really has liked them so now that my DH is heading into a different work schedule that will keep him gone longer I am needing to keep him in more meals, and even though I have a nice collection of recipe books, it is nice have tried and true ones and especially that they freeze well!
I sure hope everyone has been having a great day, seems there is a lot of mysteries and sudokos being done so it will be neat to see the fruit of their labors in the day's ahead!