Jan 13, 2008


Well, I can honestly give one good reason for not completing something. Life.....What a crazy week it has been, we had company until late Friday and although it was a fun time it was also very exhausting, Scott's Courting Partner Sara and her 2 brothers and 2 sisters came to visit.

The Girls rented a cabin further up the mountain and the boys stayed here, I should have taken a shot of the 7 boys camped out in the living room, there was not a spot open! Everyone had a good time though, we took a nice quad ride that included a snow fight, paint balling, target shooting and movie watching until 2am.

So that left Saturday and today recouping as we have to head in to Vegas to get our cell phones upgraded. Yay, not really but we need them. I can't wait to get back home and finish these up as they are so close now!

And in way of a Stashbusting report, I used the Joann's flyer's as fire starter and a few other coupons that came my way so it will be all business! And it has been real easy to just hit the delete button when things come in the inbox, it's funny how I just have zero desire to check some of the new things out!

1 comment:

~Bren~ said...

I gave you a tag and an award. Just pop over and grab it.