Jan 24, 2008


Here we are in the midst of another storm, couldn't have come at a better time. But it would have been a lot better had we gotten the wood re-stocked yesterday instead of during this! So I had to have a little fun with them while they were out there.

The trip to Vegas was exhausting, the kids squeezed in every activity they could with their friends and even amongst the glitches they had a great time.

The final activity was ice-skating and they were having a ball, I of course spent the time as a spectator, cringing every time someone fell and that was quite often. Then as it was coming to the end and I had that feeling of relief that all would walk out as they went in, then I seen my Little Man go down and watched his head bounce off the ice. From where I was it didn't look like it was a hard one but from that perspective it wasn't a good assumption.

As he was brought across the ice I could see the cantaloupe developing on the back of his head, I knew it was going to be a visit to the Quick Care. What we didn't know at the time was that he had lost consciousness long enough that gave the Dr. concern, it wasn't until after we were all together that we were able to piece it all together, and that was because when they did the triage he had memory loss, he is fine now and we can laugh, but when the Dr. asked him what my name was he busted out in tears, he didn't know it, and cried just give me a minute, I know it! He failed to answer others but that is the one that sticks out.

They x-rayed him and thankfully there was no fracture and they sent him home with instructions to stay down and watch him carefully. My concern was driving home so close after the accident so we spent the evening with our friends and waited until Don got off of work and drove home together. Made it for a long night as it was 4am before we got home but it gave time for him to rest and get ready for the jaunt.

What is truly amazing is that when it happened prayers were going up fast, not only from the rink, but calls were made to our old Church family and our current one here in Kingman, from the time he fell to the time we got to the hospital and into the Dr's office maybe 20 minutes had passed, then they said it would be a few hours before they could check him again, nope 10 minutes later he was in getting x-rayed and released! The swelling had gone down to where you had to know where to look to see it! God is good!

We are all watching him like a hawk! And every so often he recites my name, and not only first and last but with the middle! Those little things!


~Bren~ said...

Oh Steph!! How scary. I am so glad your little guy is ok. UGH! My heart dropped when I read that his head hit the ice. But God is good and faithful. It is wonderful you had the prayer cover.

~Bren~ said...

I tagged you.

Susan said...

How awful and how scary, and how blessed you have been!