Jan 27, 2008


Good Eve, I am glad that this week has finally passed and I am looking forward to a nice mellow one, starting tomorrow!!

Bren tagged me, once a few weeks ago and I admit to having stalled on it because it was a little hard to figure something out!

The rules are: Link to the person that tagged you; Post the rules on your blog; Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself; Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.

Here we go!

  1. I love to bake! The sad part is nothing comes out right, so it has become the kids jobs, they can make anything and it is picture and taste perfect, really pathetic!
  2. And I can't cut a cake to save my life, I have been banned from doing so at any church function that requires any kind of dessert that needs cutting.
  3. That makes my ruler and tape measure my best friend.
  4. I only enjoy coffee when someone else makes it, especially Starbucks! That is another chore that is delegated at functions, but I will admit that I am trying and once again was told the measurements and I chant them "one tsp to 2 cups water". But I know I will freeze when it comes time to actually make it! So the Little Man is my backup. And he makes a mean latte!
  5. I will spend fifty bucks at Safeway to save 10 cents a gallon for diesel to fill my truck but not until it is due because I have an evil son who will use it if I don't.
  6. I am behind on my log cabin block exchange and I hate the guilty feeling that being behind on something causes.

Phew, that was exhausting! So that is my plan for Monday, get them caught up and out to the mail and in order to go out they have to be done by 1pm. I can do it!

1 comment:

Susan said...

We have a couple of things in common. I love to bake, but I love going to Starbucks - not for coffee, but for their orange-cranberry muffins! I also love shopping at Safeway, even if I don't get the big discount on gas. However, from the diesel prices I've seen lately, you need all the breaks you can get!