Jan 9, 2008

Ufo's 1 & 2

Good Morning! Today I am starting to go through the Ufo's to make note of exacty what is in this room, I do have things relagated to a spot of their own, as in this bin has kits, but then so does that basket and this bin has projects that I have kitted up myself, then the one that already has all the pieces cut and ready to piece and then the one that everything is just waiting for the final put together, here is from that bin.
Now this is what gets me, here we have the soon to be top, all the blocks are pieced and the alternate blocks are cut. What has been the hold up? It has been sitting since for at least two years waiting to be finished up!
This is how it will look, I just fell in love with it all over again, but again I digress, what is wrong with me?
Then as I was getting the above out I found these! They too are just ready to be put together but here they sit. And I had totally forgotten about them! Now these were too fun to put together and if a certain friend sees these she might remember that I got the kit from Pieceful Pleasures Quilt Shop from Las Vegas, now she might also remember that the shop closed a good five years ago and the date of purchase of these squares was a long time before then!! They were 3 in squares and what makes it fun is there is not two alike bow ties and they are the 3-d kind. Now I do remember putting them into the four patches and vaguely putting them with the diamonds as it would only take a day to put them into completed tops.

So before I go any further I am going to finish them........then we can get back to business on what is in the other containers!

1 comment:

Susan said...

There's nothing wrong with you that isn't wrong with practically every quilter I know - you get so far and then something else excites you. Finishing these two should be pretty quick and give you a great start for the year. I love the triangles one, especially.