I am really excited, DH put up my quilt hanger, I will now be able to take better shots of the quilts. And the kids are excited because they won't have to stand on chairs and hold a position while I figure out how best to take the shot!That is still a big learning curve, using the camera, mostly how to take the shot without wiggling and shaking!
Here we have some interesting reads, we all have a fancy for books so we purchase to our liking, here is mine ;0)! One likes crime, another mystery, then there's the Christian romancer and ones for hunting etc., and the list goes on! My friend J has a nice collection herself and amazingly enough different from what I have so we enjoy being able to swap back and forth. Starting Monday we are going to resume our get-togethers, so there should be some major productivity coming!
That is so strange. Google Reader showed a post with your signature and a question about how to make it stay, and then I came to your blog and it isn't there! But the hanger is nice. =)
There is a way to make it stay. I figured it out for a friend last month. Now I'll have to start over and see if I can figure it out for you, because I totally forgot! Or maybe someone else will know. =)
I LOVE books on Quilt history. Is the top one by Rachel Pellman?? I have one of her books. You have some that I have never heard of. I need to look through mine again.
Great quilt hanger!
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